The link below will download the setup file for Version 3.  The changes and new features in this release are detailed in the release notes here  If you are installing on Windows XP, please see here first.

This Setup file will perform a fresh installation of V3 or will update an older installation.
We suggest installing in a folder called SV3.  Do not install in the same place as any existing Version 2.5 (SV32)

SV3_Setup_31255.EXE          151 MB (158,536,328 bytes)
This is Build 3.1.255_2501_0311_308  3-Jan-2025
MD5 checksum: 04673022bad04d3ff7461cb23c7783d2 
SHA256:   823e43721a3688346be73edf9ac5d1da12cfed7dfc3014517cf67ad5481eb344

Mirror download site

SpecView’s online Help is here . This is the same as the User Manual, see PDFs here: A4 / Letter sizes.


Important note before you download!

If you are upgrading your V3 installation (that includes updating from a lower build to a higher build), or are moving from V2.5 to V3, then you MUST check the Update Subscription status first.  This can be found from the Menus:
Help->Registration Info.              

In V2.5, the Update Subscription was called ‘Free Updates’.

If the Update Subscription has expired, then you will not be able to install the software. Please contact your SpecView representative or SpecView directly to discuss Update Subscriptions.  More help on SpecView Licensing is here.

If you are upgrading from V2.5 to V3, then also check that the ‘Version 3’ option is enabled in the License. This is also shown in the screenshot on the right.


Note: SpecView will run in DEMO mode for 10 minutes if a license is not installed.

SCADA software for people with other jobs!

(C) 2025  SpecView Inc & SpecView Ltd.  Page Updated: 07 January 2025
