Generating a dump file On-The-Fly while SpecView is still running.

This is useful where SpecView is hung up or appears to be frozen.  If there is a message that SpecView encountered a problem, then it it too late, and you need to choose Option 1 from the Troubleshooting section here.

For Version 3 of SpecView, the PROCDUMP tool is already installed, and can be run like this:

      Start a Command Prompt, then type  these commands

          CD  \SV3                       (or wherever you have installed SV3)
          PROCDUMP  -E  -H  -MP   SV3

      See below for what to do with the dump file when you get it.

For Version 2.5 of SpecView, proceed as follows:

The   PROCDUMP  tool is available from Microsoft here.

When you have downloaded it, copy the PROCDUMP.EXE file into your main SpecView folder (recommended) - this is usually C:\SV32 for Version 2.5

Start a Command Prompt, then type  these commands

      CD  \SV32                       (or wherever you have installed SV32)
      PROCDUMP  -E  -H  -MP   SV32

    See below for what to do with the dump file when you get it.

PROCDUMP will then take a Memory Snapshot (Dump) and then it will give a file like:

SV32_160211_151704.DMP       (The date is coded like 2016 Feb 11th  15:17:04)

These .DMP files tend to be very large, so please ZIP them first before sending.  Windows includes a built-in ZIP facility, as follows:

Find the .DMP file in Windows Explorer - it will be in the main SV32 folder where SpecView is run from. RIGHT-Click the .DMP file then choose Send To from the pop-up menu, and then Compressed Folder, as shown here:


That will create a ZIP file of the .DMP file, which will be a lot smaller than the original, typically only 1% to 10% of the original size.  These can be eMailed to or sent via an account on Dropbox or Google Drive or even via FTP. 

Please also send us a SpecView archive of your project, which can be done by starting SpecView and clicking the [Archive] button before you go into your project. See the main SpecView help for details.

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(C) 2024  SpecView Inc & SpecView Ltd.  Page Updated: 28 May 2024
