Generating a dump file On-The-Fly while SpecView is still running.
This is useful where SpecView is hung up or appears to be frozen. If there is a message that SpecView encountered a problem, then it it too late, and you need to choose Option 1 from the Troubleshooting section here.
For Version 3 of SpecView, the PROCDUMP tool is already installed, and can be run like this:
Start a Command Prompt, then type these commands
CD \SV3 (or wherever you have installed SV3)
See below for what to do with the dump file when you get it.
For Version 2.5 of SpecView, proceed as follows:
The PROCDUMP tool is available from Microsoft here.
When you have downloaded it, copy the PROCDUMP.EXE file into your main SpecView folder (recommended) - this is usually C:\SV32 for Version 2.5
Start a Command Prompt, then type these commands
CD \SV32 (or wherever you have installed SV32)
See below for what to do with the dump file when you get it.
PROCDUMP will then take a Memory Snapshot (Dump) and then it will give a file like:
SV32_160211_151704.DMP (The date is coded like 2016 Feb 11th 15:17:04)
These .DMP files tend to be very large, so please ZIP them first before sending. Windows includes a built-in ZIP facility, as follows:
Find the .DMP file in Windows Explorer - it will be in the main SV32 folder where SpecView is run from. RIGHT-Click the .DMP file then choose Send To from the pop-up menu, and then Compressed Folder, as shown here:
That will create a ZIP file of the .DMP file, which will be a lot smaller than the original, typically only 1% to 10% of the original size. These can be eMailed to or sent via an account on Dropbox or Google Drive or even via FTP.
Please also send us a SpecView archive of your project, which can be done by starting SpecView and clicking the [Archive] button before you go into your project. See the main SpecView help for details.
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